Monday, August 12, 2013

Birthday blues..

Since birthdays are now like just another day, I plan to make this one a little special.
My life has been in need of a little bit of polishing and shining. 
What better way than to make a few promises to myself on my birthday.

Writing more often:Many years ago, one of my teachers had told me that I write well. That was when I was still in school and had lots of friends to talk to.I did not need to pen my thoughts down. Some years later, I did. There was so much to say, so many things to talk about but not enough people interested.When my write-ups appeared in the newspaper supplements, I was certain that this was what I wanted to do.  That however was not destined to happen. I went to work & never got the time again. In the last few weeks, I have rediscovered writing and I love it.  It’s such a high!!

Going back to my music : Once upon a time, music was my only friend. I remember going crazy over some songs, waiting to arrange for some twenty-five rupees and then for going to the market to buy the cassette.I drove my family mad playing songs in loop. Today, my I-pod plays my daughters’ playlists. I hope to go back to my music, to Asha bhonsle, Kishore kumar, RD and Amitabh bacchan.

Unfriending some & befriending others: Now this is a tough one and I learnt it the hard way. Barring a few, you can’t have the same friends for life.I say this at the risk of sounding rude, but, the point is, when you have nothing common with someone, when you have not met them for years and have no intention to, how can you be friends? Then there are some, who are and will be with you for life; fortunately, I have quite a few of those.  The rest will have to go from my Facebook & Phonebook.

Loving myself :  I owe this to me. Ever since I remember I have disliked something or another about myself.  It could have been my face, my color, my body or everything together. Even today, I hate getting my pictures taken. I guess it’s time I made peace with myself.

Not easy to do, but then, what’s the fun in doing the easy stuff!!

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